
Investing in clean safe water, is investing in lives.

“Before Tekelbei Foundation stepped in to give me a tank, it was a struggle to get clean water during the drought season as the rivers would dry up. I had to queue with other villagers at the river so I could also fetch the water,” says Edna Sigei from Leldaet village.

With the tanks installed in several homes, it has cut short the number of times people have to go to the river to get water.

“We now don’t have water storage issues as we can catch rain water and during dry seasons we can store river water in the same tank,” says Joseah Koech who also lives in Leldaet.
Through the donation of tanks, life has become simpler and easier and allowed families to be self-sufficient at all times.

“We can now keep water for 2-3 months until the next rainy season,” adds Sharon Langat from Blugam village.

Overall, those who have benefited hope that the foundation will continue to supply even more tanks to more people.

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Testimonials, Video

We now have more time to focus on other activities

Every day women and children spend 200 million hours fetching and collecting water. This is time that could be spent on income generating activities, domestic chores, and education for children.

Before the tank installation, John Koech, a retired teacher from Leldaet, Bomet County shares it was difficult to go fetch water that was not necessarily clean from the river which was 3 kilometers away. Further, they could only carry 20 liters jerrycans which could end up being 3 trips in a day.


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